Source code for boxsdk.object.folder

# coding: utf-8

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import json
import os
from six import text_type

from import Group
from boxsdk.object.item import Item
from boxsdk.object.user import User
from boxsdk.pagination.limit_offset_based_object_collection import LimitOffsetBasedObjectCollection
from boxsdk.pagination.marker_based_object_collection import MarkerBasedObjectCollection
from boxsdk.util.api_call_decorator import api_call
from boxsdk.util.text_enum import TextEnum

[docs]class FolderSyncState(TextEnum): """An enum of all possible values of a folder's ``sync_state`` attribute. The value of the ``sync_state`` attribute determines whether the folder will be synced by sync clients. """ IS_SYNCED = 'synced' NOT_SYNCED = 'not_synced' PARTIALLY_SYNCED = 'partially_synced'
class _CollaborationType(TextEnum): """The type of a collaboration""" USER = 'user' GROUP = 'group' class _Collaborator(object): """This helper class represents a collaborator on Box. A Collaborator can be a User, Group, or an email address""" def __init__(self, collaborator): if isinstance(collaborator, User): self._setup(user=collaborator) elif isinstance(collaborator, Group): self._setup(group=collaborator) elif isinstance(collaborator, text_type): self._setup(email_address=collaborator) else: raise TypeError('Collaborator must be User, Group, or unicode string') def _setup(self, user=None, group=None, email_address=None): """ :param user: The Box user if applicable :type user: :class:`User` :param group: The Box group if applicable :type group: :class:`Group` :param email_address: The email address of the user if not a user of Box :type email_address: `unicode` """ self._type = _CollaborationType.GROUP if group else _CollaborationType.USER id_object = user or group if id_object: self._key = 'id' self._identifier = id_object.object_id else: self._key = 'login' self._identifier = email_address @property def access(self): """Return a tuple for how to access collaborator The first element is the key for access, the second is the value :rtype: `tuple` of `unicode`, `unicode` """ return self._key, self._identifier @property def type(self): """Return the type of collaborator (user or group) :rtype: `unicode` """ return self._type
[docs]class Folder(Item): """Box API endpoint for interacting with folders.""" _item_type = 'folder'
[docs] @api_call def preflight_check(self, size, name): """ Make an API call to check if a new file with given name and size can be uploaded to this folder. :param size: The size of the file in bytes. Specify 0 for unknown file-sizes. :type size: `int` :param name: The name of the file to be uploaded. :type name: `unicode` :raises: :class:`BoxAPIException` when preflight check fails. """ self._preflight_check( size=size, name=name, parent_id=self._object_id, )
[docs] def create_upload_session(self, file_size, file_name): """ Creates a new chunked upload session for upload a new file. :param file_size: The size of the file in bytes that will be uploaded. :type file_size: `int` :param file_name: The name of the file that will be uploaded. :type file_name: `unicode` :returns: A :class:`UploadSession` object. :rtype: :class:`UploadSession` """ url = '{0}/files/upload_sessions'.format(self.session.api_config.UPLOAD_URL) body_params = { 'folder_id': self.object_id, 'file_size': file_size, 'file_name': file_name, } response =, data=json.dumps(body_params)).json() return self.translator.translate( session=self._session, response_object=response, )
[docs] @api_call def get_chunked_uploader(self, file_path): """ Instantiate the chunked upload instance and create upload session with path to file. :param file_path: The local path to the file you wish to upload. :type file_path: `unicode` :returns: A :class:`ChunkedUploader` object. :rtype: :class:`ChunkedUploader` """ total_size = os.stat(file_path).st_size content_stream = open(file_path, 'rb') file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) upload_session = self.create_upload_session(total_size, file_name) return upload_session.get_chunked_uploader_for_stream(content_stream, total_size)
def _get_accelerator_upload_url_fow_new_uploads(self): """ Get Accelerator upload url for uploading new files. :return: The Accelerator upload url or None if cannot get one :rtype: `unicode` or None """ return self._get_accelerator_upload_url()
[docs] @api_call def get_items(self, limit=None, offset=0, marker=None, use_marker=False, sort=None, direction=None, fields=None): """ Get the items in a folder. :param limit: The maximum number of items to return. :type limit: `int` or None :param offset: The index at which to start returning items when using offset-based pagin. :type offset: `int` :param use_marker: Whether to use marker-based paging instead of offset-based paging, defaults to False. :type use_marker: `bool` :param marker: The paging marker to start returning items from when using marker-based paging. :type marker: `unicode` or None :param sort: Item field to sort results on: 'id', 'name', or 'date'. :type sort': `unicode` or None :param direction: Sort direction for the items returned. :type direction: `unicode` or None :param fields: List of fields to request. :type fields: `Iterable` of `unicode` :returns: The collection of items in the folder. :rtype: `Iterable` of :class:`Item` """ url = self.get_url('items') additional_params = {} if limit is not None: additional_params['limit'] = limit if sort: additional_params['sort'] = sort if direction: additional_params['direction'] = direction if use_marker: additional_params['usemarker'] = True return MarkerBasedObjectCollection( url=url, session=self._session, limit=limit, marker=marker, fields=fields, additional_params=additional_params, return_full_pages=False, ) return LimitOffsetBasedObjectCollection( url=url, session=self._session, limit=limit, offset=offset, fields=fields, additional_params=additional_params, return_full_pages=False, )
[docs] @api_call def upload_stream( self, file_stream, file_name, preflight_check=False, preflight_expected_size=0, upload_using_accelerator=False, ): """ Upload a file to the folder. The contents are taken from the given file stream, and it will have the given name. :param file_stream: The file-like object containing the bytes :type file_stream: `file` :param file_name: The name to give the file on Box. :type file_name: `unicode` :param preflight_check: If specified, preflight check will be performed before actually uploading the file. :type preflight_check: `bool` :param preflight_expected_size: The size of the file to be uploaded in bytes, which is used for preflight check. The default value is '0', which means the file size is unknown. :type preflight_expected_size: `int` :param upload_using_accelerator: If specified, the upload will try to use Box Accelerator to speed up the uploads for big files. It will make an extra API call before the actual upload to get the Accelerator upload url, and then make a POST request to that url instead of the default Box upload url. It falls back to normal upload endpoint, if cannot get the Accelerator upload url. Please notice that this is a premium feature, which might not be available to your app. :type upload_using_accelerator: `bool` :returns: The newly uploaded file. :rtype: :class:`File` """ if preflight_check: self.preflight_check(size=preflight_expected_size, name=file_name) url = '{0}/files/content'.format(self._session.api_config.UPLOAD_URL) if upload_using_accelerator: accelerator_upload_url = self._get_accelerator_upload_url_fow_new_uploads() if accelerator_upload_url: url = accelerator_upload_url data = {'attributes': json.dumps({ 'name': file_name, 'parent': {'id': self._object_id}, })} files = { 'file': ('unused', file_stream), } file_response =, data=data, files=files, expect_json_response=False).json() if 'entries' in file_response: file_response = file_response['entries'][0] return self.translator.translate( session=self._session, response_object=file_response, )
[docs] @api_call def upload( self, file_path=None, file_name=None, preflight_check=False, preflight_expected_size=0, upload_using_accelerator=False, ): """ Upload a file to the folder. The contents are taken from the given file path, and it will have the given name. If file_name is not specified, the uploaded file will take its name from file_path. :param file_path: The file path of the file to upload to Box. :type file_path: `unicode` :param file_name: The name to give the file on Box. If None, then use the leaf name of file_path :type file_name: `unicode` :param preflight_check: If specified, preflight check will be performed before actually uploading the file. :type preflight_check: `bool` :param preflight_expected_size: The size of the file to be uploaded in bytes, which is used for preflight check. The default value is '0', which means the file size is unknown. :type preflight_expected_size: `int` :param upload_using_accelerator: If specified, the upload will try to use Box Accelerator to speed up the uploads for big files. It will make an extra API call before the actual upload to get the Accelerator upload url, and then make a POST request to that url instead of the default Box upload url. It falls back to normal upload endpoint, if cannot get the Accelerator upload url. Please notice that this is a premium feature, which might not be available to your app. :type upload_using_accelerator: `bool` :returns: The newly uploaded file. :rtype: :class:`File` """ if file_name is None: file_name = os.path.basename(file_path) with open(file_path, 'rb') as file_stream: return self.upload_stream( file_stream, file_name, preflight_check, preflight_expected_size=preflight_expected_size, upload_using_accelerator=upload_using_accelerator, )
[docs] @api_call def create_subfolder(self, name): """ Create a subfolder with the given name in the folder. :param name: The name of the new folder :type name: `unicode` """ url = self.get_type_url() data = { 'name': name, 'parent': { 'id': self._object_id, } } box_response =, data=json.dumps(data)) response = box_response.json() return self.translator.translate( session=self._session, response_object=response, )
[docs] @api_call def update_sync_state(self, sync_state): """Update the ``sync_state`` attribute of this folder. Change whether this folder will be synced by sync clients. :param sync_state: The desired sync state of this folder. Must be a member of the `FolderSyncState` enum. :type sync_state: :class:`FolderSyncState` :return: A new :class:`Folder` instance with updated information reflecting the new sync state. :rtype: :class:`Folder` """ data = { 'sync_state': sync_state, } return self.update_info(data=data)
[docs] @api_call def add_collaborator(self, collaborator, role, notify=False, can_view_path=False): """Add a collaborator to the folder :param collaborator: collaborator to add. May be a User, Group, or email address (unicode string) :type collaborator: :class:`User` or :class:`Group` or `unicode` :param role: The collaboration role :type role: :class:`CollaboratorRole` :param notify: Whether to send a notification email to the collaborator :type notify: `bool` :param can_view_path: Whether view path collaboration feature is enabled or not. Note - only folder owners can create collaborations with can_view_path. :type can_view_path: `bool` :return: The new collaboration :rtype: :class:`Collaboration` """ collaborator_helper = _Collaborator(collaborator) url = self._session.get_url('collaborations') item = {'id': self._object_id, 'type': 'folder'} access_key, access_value = collaborator_helper.access accessible_by = { access_key: access_value, 'type': collaborator_helper.type, } body_params = { 'item': item, 'accessible_by': accessible_by, 'role': role, } if can_view_path: body_params['can_view_path'] = True data = json.dumps(body_params) params = {'notify': notify} box_response =, expect_json_response=True, data=data, params=params) collaboration_response = box_response.json() return self.translator.translate( session=self._session, response_object=collaboration_response, )
[docs] @api_call def delete(self, recursive=True, etag=None): """Base class override. Delete the folder. :param recursive: Whether or not the folder should be deleted if it isn't empty. :type recursive: `bool` :param etag: If specified, instruct the Box API to delete the folder only if the current version's etag matches. :type etag: `unicode` or None :returns: Whether or not the update was successful. :rtype: `bool` :raises: :class:`BoxAPIException` if the specified etag doesn't match the latest version of the folder. """ # pylint:disable=arguments-differ return super(Folder, self).delete({'recursive': recursive}, etag)
[docs] @api_call def get_metadata_cascade_policies(self, owner_enterprise=None, limit=None, marker=None, fields=None): """ Get the metadata cascade policies current applied to the folder. :param owner_enterprise: Which enterprise's metadata templates to get cascade policies for. This defauls to the current enterprise. :type owner_enterprise: :class:`Enterprise` :param limit: The maximum number of entries to return per page. If not specified, then will use the server-side default. :type limit: `int` or None :param marker: The paging marker to start paging from. :type marker: `unicode` or None :param fields: List of fields to request. :type fields: `Iterable` of `unicode` :returns: An iterator of the cascade policies attached on the folder. :rtype: :class:`BoxObjectCollection` """ additional_params = { 'folder_id': self.object_id, } if owner_enterprise is not None: additional_params['owner_enterprise_id'] = owner_enterprise.object_id return MarkerBasedObjectCollection( url=self._session.get_url('metadata_cascade_policies'), session=self._session, additional_params=additional_params, limit=limit, marker=marker, fields=fields, return_full_pages=False, )
[docs] @api_call def cascade_metadata(self, metadata_template): """ Create a metadata cascade policy to apply the metadata instance values on the folder for the given metadata template to all files within the folder. :param metadata_template: The metadata template to cascade values for :type metadata_template: :class:`MetadataTemplate` :returns: The created metadata cascade policy :rtype: :class:`MetadataCascadePolicy` """ url = self._session.get_url('metadata_cascade_policies') body = { 'folder_id': self.object_id, 'scope': metadata_template.scope, 'templateKey': metadata_template.template_key, } response =, data=json.dumps(body)).json() return self.translator.translate(self._session, response)