boxsdk.client package


boxsdk.client.client module

class boxsdk.client.client.Client(oauth, session=None)[source]

Bases: boxsdk.object.cloneable.Cloneable


Get the OAuth2 instance the client is using for auth to Box.

Return type:OAuth2

alias of boxsdk.session.session.AuthorizedSession


Base class override.


Initialize a Collaboration object, whose box id is collab_id.

Parameters:collab_id (unicode) – The box id of the Collaboration object.
Returns:A Collaboration object with the given group id.
Return type:Collaboration

Initilializes a CollaborationWhitelist object.

Returns:A CollaborationWhitelist object.

Initialize a CollaborationWhitelistEntry object, whose box id is entry_id.

Parameters:entry_id (unicode) – The box id of the CollaborationWhitelistEntry object.
Returns:A CollaborationWhitelistEntry object with the given entry id.
Return type:CollaborationWhitelistEntry

Initialize a CollaborationWhitelistExemptTarget object, whose box id is target_id.

Parameters:exemption_id (unicode) – The box id of the CollaborationWhitelistExemptTarget object.
Returns:A CollaborationWhitelistExemptTarget object with the given target id.
Return type:CollaborationWhitelistExemptTarget

Initialize a Collection object, whose box ID is collection_id.

Parameters:collection_id (unicode) – The box id of the Collection object.
Returns:A Collection object with the given collection ID.
Return type:Collection

Get a list of collections for the current user.

  • limit (int or None) – The maximum number of users to return. If not specified, the Box API will determine an appropriate limit.
  • offset (int) – The user index at which to start the response.

Initialize a Comment object, whose Box ID is comment_id.

Parameters:comment_id (unicode) – The Box ID of the Comment object.
Returns:A Comment object with the given comment ID.
Return type:Comment

Create a group with the given name.

  • name (unicode) – The name of the group.
  • provenance (unicode or None) – Used to track the external source where the group is coming from.
  • external_sync_identifier (unicode or None) – Used as a group identifier for groups coming from an external source.
  • description (unicode or None) – Description of the group.
  • invitability_level (unicode) – Specifies who can invite this group to folders.
  • member_viewability_level (unicode) – Specifies who can view the members of this group.
  • fields (Iterable of unicode) – List of fields to request on the Group objects.

The newly created Group.

Return type:



BoxAPIException if current user doesn’t have permissions to create a group.

Create a legal hold policy.

  • policy_name (unicode) – The legal hold policy’s display name.
  • description (unicode or None) – The description of the legal hold policy.
  • filter_starting_at (unicode or None) – The start time filter for legal hold policy
  • filter_ending_at (unicode or None) – The end time filter for legal hold policy
  • is_ongoing (bool or None) – After initialization, Assignments under this Policy will continue applying to files based on events, indefinitely.

A legal hold policy object

Return type:



Create a new metadata template. By default, only the display name and fields are required; the template key will be automatically generated based on the display name and the template will be created in the enterprise scope.

  • display_name (unicode) – The human-readable name of the template
  • fields (Iterable of MetadataField) – The metadata fields for the template.
  • template_key (unicode) – An optional key for the template. If one is not provided, it will be derived from the display name.
  • hidden (bool) – Whether the template should be hidden in the UI
  • scope (unicode) – The scope the template should be created in

Create a retention policy for the given enterprise.

  • policy_name (unicode) – The name of the retention policy.
  • retention_length (int or float(‘inf’)) – The amount of time in days to apply the retention policy to the selected content. The retention_length should be set to float(‘inf’) for indefinite policies.
  • disposition_action (unicode) – For finite policy can be set to permanently delete or remove retention. For indefinite policy this must be set to remove_retention
  • can_owner_extend_retention (boolean or None) – The owner of a file will be allowed to extend the retention if set to true.
  • are_owners_notified (boolean or None) – The owner or co-owner will get notified when a file is nearing expiration.
  • custom_notification_recipients (list of User objects) – A custom list of user mini objects that should be notified when a file is nearing expiration.

The newly created Retention Policy

Return type:


create_terms_of_service(status, tos_type, text)[source]

Create a terms of service.

  • status (TermsOfServiceStatus) – The status of the terms of service.
  • tos_type (TermsOfServiceType) – The type of the terms of service. Can be set to managed or external.
  • text (unicode) – The message of the terms of service.

A newly created TermsOfService object

Return type:



Create a new user. Can only be used if the current user is an enterprise admin, or the current authorization scope is a Box developer edition instance.


Create a webhook on the given file.

  • target (File or :class`Folder`) – Either a File or Folder to assign a webhook to.
  • triggers (list of unicode) – Event types that trigger notifications for the target.
  • address (unicode) – The url to send the notification to.

A Webhook object with the given entry ID.

Return type:



Initialize a DevicePinner object, whose box id is device_pin_id.

Parameters:device_pin_id (unicode) – The assignment ID of the DevicePin object.
Returns:A DevicePinner object with the given entry ID.
Return type:DevicePinner
device_pinners(enterprise=None, direction=None, limit=None, marker=None, fields=None)[source]

Returns all of the device pins for the given enterprise.

  • enterprise (:class`Enterprise` or None) – The enterprise to retrieve device pinners for, defaulting to the current enterprise.
  • direction (unicode or None) – The sorting direction. Set to ASC or DESC
  • limit (int or None) – The maximum number of entries to return per page. If not specified, then will use the server-side default.
  • marker (unicode or None) – The paging marker to start paging from.
  • fields (Iterable of unicode) – List of fields to request.

An iterator of the entries in the device pins.

Return type:



Generate a downscoped token for the provided file or folder with the provided scopes.

  • scope – The scope(s) to apply to the resulting token.
  • item (Item) – (Optional) The file or folder to get a downscoped token for. If None, the resulting token will not be scoped down to just a single item.
  • additional_data (dict) – (Optional) Key value pairs which can be used to add/update the default data values in the request.

The response for the downscope token request.

Return type:



Initialize a :class: EmailAlias object, whose box id is alias_id.

Parameters:alias_id (unicode) – The aliad id of the EmailAlias object.
Returns:A EmailAlias object with the given entry ID.
Return type:EmailAlias

Initialize a Enterprise object, whose box ID is enterprise_id.

Parameters:enterprise_id (unicode) – The box id of the Enterprise object.
Returns:A Enterprise object with the given enterprise ID.
Return type:Enterprise

Get an events object that can get the latest events from Box or set up a long polling event subscription.


Initialize a File object, whose box id is file_id.

Parameters:file_id (unicode) – The box id of the File object.
Returns:A File object with the given file id.
Return type:File

Initialize a FileVersion object, whose box id is version_id.

Parameters:version_id (unicode) – The box id of the FileVersion object.
Returns:A FileVersion object with the given file version id.
Return type:FileVersion

Initialize a FileVersionRetention object, whose box id is retention_id.

Parameters:retention_id (unicode) – The box ID of the FileVersionRetention object.
Returns:A FileVersionRetention object with the given retention ID.
Return type:FileVersionRetention

Initialize a Folder object, whose box id is folder_id.

Parameters:folder_id (unicode) – The box id of the Folder object. Can use ‘0’ to get the root folder on Box.
Returns:A Folder object with the given folder id.
Return type:Folder

Get the enterprise of the current user.

Returns:The authenticated user’s enterprise
Return type:Enterprise

Get the entries in the file version retention.

  • target_file (File or None) – The file to filter the file version.
  • file_version (FileVersion or None) – A file version to filter the file version retentions by.
  • policy (RetentionPolicy or None) – A policy to filter the file version retentions by.
  • disposition_action (unicode or None) – Can be set to permanently_delete or remove_retention.
  • disposition_before (unicode or None) – A date time filter for disposition action.
  • disposition_after (unicode or None) – A date time filter for disposition action.
  • limit (int or None) – The maximum number of entries to return per page. If not specified, then will use the server-side default.
  • marker (unicode or None) – The paging marker to start paging from
  • fields (Iterable of unicode) – List of fields to request

An iterator of the entries in the file version retention.

Return type:



Get a list of all groups for the current user.

  • name (unicode or None) – Filter on the name of the groups to return.
  • limit (int or None) – The maximum number of groups to return. If not specified, the Box API will determine an appropriate limit.
  • offset (int or None.) – The group index at which to start the response.
  • fields (Iterable of unicode) – List of fields to request on the Group objects.

The collection of all groups.

Return type:

Iterable of Group

Get the entries in the legal hold policy using limit-offset paging.

  • policy_name (unicode or None) – The name of the legal hold policy case insensitive to search for
  • limit (int or None) – The maximum number of entries to return per page. If not specified, then will use the server-side default.
  • marker (unicode or None) – The paging marker to start paging from.
  • fields (Iterable of unicode) – List of fields to request.

An iterator of the entries in the legal hold policy

Return type:



Get all metadata templates for a given scope. By default, retrieves all metadata templates for the current enterprise.

  • scope (unicode) – The scope to retrieve templates for
  • marker (unicode or None) – The paging marker to start paging from.
  • fields (Iterable of unicode) – List of fields to request.

The collection of metadata templates for the given scope

Return type:



Get the entries in the pending collaborations using limit-offset paging.

  • limit (int or None) – The maximum number of entries to return per page. If not specified, then will use the server-side default.
  • offset (int or None) – The offset of the item at which to begin the response.
  • fields (Iterable of unicode) – List of fields to request.

An iterator of the entries in the pending collaborations

Return type:



Get the user’s recently accessed items.


limit The maximum number of items to return. If limit is set to None, then the default limit (returned by Box in the response) is used. See for default.


limit int or None

  • marker (str or None) – The index at which to start returning items.
  • fields (Iterable of unicode) – List of fields to request on the file or folder which the RecentItem references.
  • **collection_kwargs

    Keyword arguments passed to MarkerBasedObjectCollection.


An iterator on the user’s recent items

Return type:



Get the entries in the retention policy using marker-based paging.

  • policy_name (unicode or None) – The name of the retention policy.
  • policy_type (unicode or None) – Set to either finite or indefinite
  • user (User or None) – A user to filter the retention policies.
  • limit (int or None) – The maximum number of entries to return per page. If not specified, then will use the server-side default.
  • marker (unicode or None) – The paging marker to start paging from
  • fields (Iterable of unicode) – List of fields to request

An iterator of the entries in the retention policy

Return type:



Get information about a Box shared link.

  • shared_link (unicode) – The shared link.
  • password (unicode) – The password for the shared link.

The item referred to by the shared link.

Return type:



BoxAPIException if current user doesn’t have permissions to view the shared link.

get_storage_policies(limit=None, marker=None, fields=None)[source]

Get the entries in the storage policy using marker-based paging.

  • limit (int or None) – The maximum number of items to return.
  • marker (unicode or None) – The paging marker to start returning items from when using marker-based paging.
  • fields (Iterable of unicode) – List of fields to request.

Returns the storage policies available for the current enterprise.

Return type:


get_terms_of_services(tos_type=None, limit=None, fields=None)[source]

Get the entries in the terms of service using limit-offset paging.

  • tos_type (TermsOfServiceType) – Can be set to managed or external for the type of terms of service.
  • fields (Iterable of unicode) – List of fields to request

limit The maximum number of items to return. If limit is set to None, then the default limit (returned by Box in the response) is used.


limit int or None


An iterator of the entries in the terms of service

Return type:


get_url(endpoint, *args)[source]

Return the URL for the given Box API endpoint.

  • endpoint (url) – The name of the endpoint.
  • args (Iterable) – Additional parts of the endpoint URL.
Return type:



Get all webhooks in an enterprise.

  • limit (int or None) – The maximum number of entries to return.
  • marker (unicode or None) – The position marker at which to begin the response.
  • fields (Iterable of unicode) – List of fields to request on the file or folder which the RecentItem references.

An iterator of the entries in the webhook

Return type:



Initialize a Group object, whose box id is group_id.

Parameters:group_id (unicode) – The box id of the Group object.
Returns:A Group object with the given group id.
Return type:Group

Initialize a GroupMembership object, whose box id is group_membership_id.

Parameters:group_membership_id (unicode) – The box id of the GroupMembership object.
Returns:A GroupMembership object with the given membership id.
Return type:GroupMembership

Initialize a Invite object, whose box id is invite_id.

Parameters:invite_id (unicode) – The invite ID of the Invite object.
Returns:A Invite object with the given entry ID.
Return type:Invite

Initialize a LegalHold object, whose box id is policy_id.

Parameters:hold_id (unicode) – The legal hold ID of the LegalHold object.
Returns:A LegalHold object with the given entry ID.
Return type:LegalHold

Initialize a LegalHoldPolicy object, whose box id is policy_id.

Parameters:policy_id (unicode) – The box ID of the LegalHoldPolicy object.
Returns:A LegalHoldPolicy object with the given entry ID.
Return type:LegalHoldPolicy

Initialize a LegalHoldPolicyAssignment object, whose box id is policy_assignment_id.

Parameters:policy_assignment_id (unicode) – The assignment ID of the LegalHoldPolicyAssignment object.
Returns:A LegalHoldPolicyAssignment object with the given entry ID.
Return type:LegalHoldPolicyAssignment

Make an authenticated request to the Box API.

  • method (unicode) – The HTTP verb to use for the request.
  • url (unicode) – The URL for the request.

The network response for the given request.

Return type:





Initializes a MetadataCascadePolicy object with the given policy ID.

Parameters:policy_id (unicode) – The ID of the cascade policy object
Returns:The cascade policy object
Return type:MetadataCascadePolicy
metadata_template(scope, template_key)[source]

Initialize a MetadataTemplate object with the given scope and template key.

  • scope (unicode) – The scope of the metadata template, e.g. ‘enterprise’ or ‘global’
  • template_key (unicode) – The key of the metadata template

The metadata template object

Return type:



Retrieves a metadata template by ID

Parameters:template_id (unicode) – The ID of the template object
Returns:The metadata template with data populated from the API
Return type:MetadataTemplate

Initialize a RetentionPolicy object, whose box id is retention_id.

Parameters:retention_id (unicode) – The box ID of the RetentionPolicy object.
Returns:A RetentionPolicy object with the given entry ID.
Return type:RetentionPolicy

Initialize a RetentionPolicyAssignment object, whose box id is assignment_id.

Parameters:assignment_id (unicode) – The box ID of the RetentionPolicyAssignment object.
Returns:A RetentionPolicyAssignment object with the given assignment ID.
Return type:RetentionPolicyAssignment

Returns a user’s root folder object.


Get a Search object that can be used for searching Box content.

Returns:The Search object
Return type:Search

Get the BoxSession instance the client is using.

Return type:BoxSession

Initialize a StoragePolicy object, whose box id is policy_id.

Parameters:policy_id (unicode) – The box ID of the StoragePolicy object.
Returns:A StoragePolicy object with the given entry ID.
Return type:StoragePolicy

Initialize a StoragePolicyAssignment object, whose box id is assignment_id.

Parameters:assignment_id (unicode) – The box ID of the StoragePolicyAssignment object.
Returns:A StoragePolicyAssignment object with the given entry ID.
Return type:StoragePolicyAssignment

Initialize a Task object, whose box id is task_id.

Parameters:task_id (unicode) – The box ID of the Task object.
Returns:A Task object with the given entry ID.
Return type:Task

Initialize a TaskAssignment object, whose box id is assignment_id.

Parameters:assignment_id (unicode) – The box ID of the TaskAssignment object.
Returns:A TaskAssignment object with the given entry ID.
Return type:TaskAssignment

Initialize a TermsOfService object, whose box id is tos_id.

Parameters:tos_id (unicode) – The box id of the TermsOfService object.
Returns:A TermsOfService object with the given terms of service id.
Return type:TermsOfService

Initialize a TermsOfServiceUserStatus object, whose box id is tos_user_status_id.

Parameters:tos_user_status_id – The box id of the TermsOfServiceUserStatus object.
Returns:A TermsOfServiceUserStatus object with the given terms of service user status id.
Return type:TermsOfServiceUserStatus

The translator used for translating Box API JSON responses into BaseAPIJSONObject smart objects.

Return type:Translator

Initialize a Trash object.

Returns:A Trash object.
Return type:Trash

alias of boxsdk.session.session.Session


Initialize a UploadSession object, whose box id is session_id.

Parameters:session_id (unicode) – The box id of the UploadSession object.
Returns:A UploadSession object with the given session id.
Return type::class`UploadSession`

Initialize a User object, whose box id is user_id.

Parameters:user_id (unicode) – The user id of the User object. Can use ‘me’ to get the User for the current/authenticated user.
Returns:A User object with the given id.
Return type:User

Get a list of all users for the Enterprise along with their user_id, public_name, and login.

  • limit (int or None) – The maximum number of users to return. If not specified, the Box API will determine an appropriate limit.
  • offset (int) – The user index at which to start the response.
  • filter_term (unicode or None) – Filters the results to only users starting with the filter_term in either the name or the login.
  • user_type (unicode or None) – Filters the results to only users of the given type: ‘managed’, ‘external’, or ‘all’.
  • fields (Iterable of unicode) – List of fields to request on the User objects.

The list of all users in the enterprise.

Return type:

list of User


An iterator on the user’s recent items

Return type:


Initialize a :class: WebLink object, whose box id is web_link_id. :param web_link_id:

The box ID of the WebLink object.
Returns:A WebLink object with the given entry ID.
Return type:WebLink

Initialize a Webhook object, whose box id is webhook_id.

Parameters:webhook_id (unicode) – The box ID of the :class: Webhook object.
Returns:A Webhook object with the given entry ID.
Return type:Webhook

boxsdk.client.developer_token_client module

class boxsdk.client.developer_token_client.DeveloperTokenClient(oauth=None, session=None)[source]

Bases: boxsdk.client.client.Client

Box client subclass which authorizes with a developer token.

boxsdk.client.development_client module

class boxsdk.client.development_client.DevelopmentClient(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: boxsdk.client.logging_client.LoggingClient, boxsdk.client.developer_token_client.DeveloperTokenClient

Client subclass that uses developer token auth and logs requests and responses. Great for use in development!

boxsdk.client.logging_client module

class boxsdk.client.logging_client.LoggingClient(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: boxsdk.client.client.Client

Box client subclass which logs requests and responses.

Module contents