Source code for boxsdk.object.collaboration_whitelist

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import

import json

from .base_endpoint import BaseEndpoint
from ..pagination.marker_based_object_collection import MarkerBasedObjectCollection
from ..util.api_call_decorator import api_call
from ..util.text_enum import TextEnum

[docs]class WhitelistDirection(TextEnum): """ Used to determine the direction of the whitelist. """ INBOUND = 'inbound' OUTBOUNT = 'outbound' BOTH = 'both'
[docs]class CollaborationWhitelist(BaseEndpoint): """Represents the whitelist of email domains that users in an enterprise may collaborate with."""
[docs] @api_call def get_entries(self, limit=None, marker=None, fields=None): """ Get the entries in the collaboration whitelist using limit-offset paging. :param limit: The maximum number of entries to return per page. If not specified, then will use the server-side default. :type limit: `int` or None :param marker: The paging marker to start paging from. :type marker: `unicode` or None :param fields: List of fields to request. :type fields: `Iterable` of `unicode` :returns: An iterator of the entries in the whitelist. :rtype: :class:`BoxObjectCollection` """ return MarkerBasedObjectCollection( session=self._session, url=self.get_url('collaboration_whitelist_entries'), limit=limit, marker=marker, fields=fields, return_full_pages=False, )
[docs] @api_call def add_domain(self, domain, direction): """ Add a new domain to the collaboration whitelist. :param domain: The email domain to add to the whitelist. :type domain: `unicode` :param direction: The direction in which collaboration should be allowed: 'inbound', 'outbound', or 'both'. :type direction: `unicode` :returns: The created whitelist entry for the domain. :rtype: :class:`CollaborationWhitelistEntry` """ url = self.get_url('collaboration_whitelist_entries') data = { 'domain': domain, 'direction': direction } response =, data=json.dumps(data)).json() return self.translator.translate( session=self._session, response_object=response, )
[docs] @api_call def get_exemptions(self, limit=None, marker=None, fields=None): """ Get the list of exempted users who are not subject to the collaboration whitelist rules. :param limit: The maximum number of entries to return per page. If not specified, then will use the server-side default. :type limit: `int` or None :param marker: The paging marker to start paging from. :type marker: `unicode` or None :param fields: List of fields to request. :type fields: `Iterable` of `unicode` :returns: An iterator of the exemptions to the whitelist. :rtype: :class:`BoxObjectCollection` """ return MarkerBasedObjectCollection( session=self._session, url=self.get_url('collaboration_whitelist_exempt_targets'), limit=limit, marker=marker, fields=fields, return_full_pages=False, )
[docs] @api_call def add_exemption(self, user): """ Exempt a user from the collaboration whitelist. :param user: The user to exempt from the whitelist. :type user: :class:`User` :returns: The created whitelist exemption. :rtype: :class:`CollaborationWhitelistExemptTarget` """ url = self.get_url('collaboration_whitelist_exempt_targets') data = { 'user': { 'id': user.object_id # pylint:disable=protected-access } } response =, data=json.dumps(data)).json() return self.translator.translate( session=self._session, response_object=response, )