Source code for boxsdk.object.metadata

# coding: utf-8

from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import
import json
from boxsdk.object.base_endpoint import BaseEndpoint
from ..util.api_call_decorator import api_call

[docs]class MetadataUpdate(object): """ Helper class for updating Box metadata. See for more details. See for details about JSON patch. """ def __init__(self): self._ops = [] @property def ops(self): """ Get a list of json patch operations in this update. :return: The list of json patch operations in this update. :rtype: `list` of `dict` """ return self._ops
[docs] def add(self, path, value): """ Insert an add operation to this metadata update. :param path: JSON pointer specifying where to add the new value. :type path: `unicode` :param value: The value to add to the metadata document. :type value: `unicode` """ self._ops.append({'op': 'add', 'path': path, 'value': value})
[docs] def remove(self, path, old_value=None): """ Insert a remove operation to this metadata update. :param path: JSON pointer specifying where to remove the value from. :type path: `unicode` :param old_value: If specified, only remove the key/value pair if the current value is equal to oldValue. :type old_value: `unicode` """ if old_value is not None: self._ops.append({'op': 'test', 'path': path, 'value': old_value}) self._ops.append({'op': 'remove', 'path': path})
[docs] def update(self, path, value, old_value=None): """ Insert an update operation to this metadata update. :param path: JSON pointer specifying where the value is in the metadata document that should be updated. :type path: `unicode` :param value: The updated value. :type value: `unicode` :param old_value: If specified, only update the key/value pair if the current value is equal to oldValue. :type old_value: `unicode` """ if old_value is not None: self._ops.append({'op': 'test', 'path': path, 'value': old_value}) self._ops.append({'op': 'replace', 'path': path, 'value': value})
[docs] def test(self, path, value): """ Insert a test operation to this metadata update. A test operation can invalidate the following operation if the value at the specified path does not match the supplied value. :param path: JSON pointer specifying where the value is in the metadata document to test. :type path: `unicode` :param value: The value to match against. :type value: `unicode` """ self._ops.append({'op': 'test', 'path': path, 'value': value})
[docs]class Metadata(BaseEndpoint): def __init__(self, session, box_object, scope, template): """ :param session: The Box session used to make requests. :type session: :class:`BoxSession` :param box_object: The Box object this metadata instance will be associated with. :type box_object: :class:`BaseObject` :param scope: Scope of the metadata. Must be either 'global' or 'enterprise'. :type scope: `unicode` :param template: The name of the metadata template. See for more details. :type template: `unicode` """ super(Metadata, self).__init__(session) self._object = box_object self._scope = scope self._template = template
[docs] def get_url(self, *args): """ Base class override. """ # pylint:disable=arguments-differ return self._object.get_url('metadata', self._scope, self._template)
[docs] @staticmethod def start_update(): """ Get a :class:`MetadataUpdate` for use with the :meth:`update` method. :return: A metadata update object that can be used to update this metadata object. :rtype: :class:`MetadataUpdate` """ return MetadataUpdate()
[docs] @api_call def update(self, metadata_update): """ Update the key/value pairs associated with this metadata object. See for more details. :param metadata_update: A metadata update object containing the changes that should be made to the metadata. :type metadata_update: :class:`MetadataUpdate` :return: A dictionary containing the updated key/value pairs for this metadata object. :rtype: :class:`Metadata` """ return self._session.put( self.get_url(), data=json.dumps(metadata_update.ops), headers={b'Content-Type': b'application/json-patch+json'}, ).json()
[docs] @api_call def get(self): """ Get the key/value pairs that make up this metadata instance. :return: A dictionary containing the key/value pairs for this metadata object. :rtype: :class:`Metadata` """ return self._session.get(self.get_url()).json()
[docs] @api_call def delete(self): """ Delete the metadata object. :returns: Whether or not the delete was successful. :rtype: `bool` """ return self._session.delete(self.get_url()).ok
[docs] @api_call def create(self, metadata): """ Create the metadata instance on Box. If the instance already exists, use :meth:`update` instead. :param metadata: The key/value pairs to be stored in this metadata instance on Box. :type metadata: `dict` :return: A dictionary containing the key/value pairs for this metadata object. :rtype: :class:`Metadata` """ return self.get_url(), data=json.dumps(metadata), headers={b'Content-Type': b'application/json'}, ).json()
[docs] def clone(self, session=None): """ Base class override. """ return self.__class__(session or self._session, self._object, self._scope, self._template)