Source code for boxsdk.object.terms_of_service

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import json

from boxsdk.util.text_enum import TextEnum
from boxsdk.exception import BoxAPIException
from .base_object import BaseObject

[docs]class TermsOfServiceType(TextEnum): """An enum of possible terms of service types""" MANAGED = 'managed' EXTERNAL = 'external'
[docs]class TermsOfServiceStatus(TextEnum): """An enum of possible terms of service status""" ENABLED = 'enabled' DISABLED = 'disabled'
[docs]class TermsOfService(BaseObject): """Represents a Box terms of service.""" _item_type = 'terms_of_service'
[docs] def get_user_status(self, user=None): """ Get the terms of service user status. :param user: This is the user to get the status of the terms of service for. This defaults to current user. :type user: :class:`User` or None :returns: A :class:`TermsOfServiceUserStatus` object :rtype: :class:`TermsOfServiceUserStatus` """ url = self._session.get_url('terms_of_service_user_statuses') additional_params = { 'tos_id': self.object_id, } if user is not None: additional_params['user_id'] = user.object_id box_response = self._session.get(url, params=additional_params) response_object = box_response.json() response = response_object['entries'][0] return self.translator.translate( session=self._session, response_object=response, )
[docs] def accept(self, user=None): """ Accept a terms of service. :param user: The :class:`User` to assign the terms of service to. :type user: :class:`User` or None :returns: A newly created :class:`TermsOfServiceUserStatus` object :rtype: :class:`TermsOfServiceUserStatus` """ return self.set_user_status(is_accepted=True, user=user)
[docs] def reject(self, user=None): """ Reject a terms of service. :param user: The :class:`User` to assign the terms of service to. :type user: :class:`User` or None :returns: A newly created :class:`TermsOfServiceUserStatus` object :rtype: :class:`TermsOfServiceUserStatus` """ return self.set_user_status(is_accepted=False, user=user)
[docs] def set_user_status(self, is_accepted, user=None): """ Create a terms of service user status. :param is_accepted: Indicates whether a use has accepted or rejected a terms of service. :type is_accepted: `bool` :param user: The :class:`User` to assign the terms of service to. :type user: :class:`User` or None :returns: A newly created :class:`TermsOfServiceUserStatus` object :rtype: :class:`TermsOfServiceUserStatus` """ url = self._session.get_url('terms_of_service_user_statuses') body = { 'tos': { 'type': self.object_type, 'id': self.object_id, }, 'is_accepted': is_accepted, } if user is not None: body['user'] = { 'type': user.object_type, 'id': user.object_id, } translated_response = None try: box_response =, data=json.dumps(body)) response = box_response.json() translated_response = self.translator.translate( session=self._session, response_object=response, ) except BoxAPIException as err: if err.status == 409: user_status = self.get_user_status(user) translated_response = user_status.update_info({'is_accepted': is_accepted}) return translated_response