Source code for boxsdk.object.user

# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import json

from .base_object import BaseObject
from ..pagination.limit_offset_based_object_collection import LimitOffsetBasedObjectCollection
from ..pagination.marker_based_object_collection import MarkerBasedObjectCollection
from ..util.api_call_decorator import api_call

[docs]class User(BaseObject): """Represents a Box user.""" _item_type = 'user'
[docs] @api_call def add_email_alias(self, email): """ Adds a new email alias to the given user's account. :param email: The email alias to add to the user. :type email: `unicode` :returns: The new email alias object :rtype: :class:`EmailAlias` """ url = self.get_url('email_aliases') body = { 'email': email, } response =, data=json.dumps(body)).json() return self.translator.translate( session=self._session, response_object=response, )
[docs] @api_call def get_email_aliases(self, limit=None, fields=None): """ Gets an list of email aliases for a user. :param limit: The maximum number of users to return. If not specified, the Box API will determine an appropriate limit. :type limit: `int` or None :param fields: List of fields to request :type fields: `Iterable` of `unicode` :returns: An iterator of the user's email aliases :rtype: :class:`BoxObjectCollection` """ return MarkerBasedObjectCollection( session=self._session, url=self.get_url('email_aliases'), limit=limit, marker=None, fields=fields, return_full_pages=False, )
[docs] @api_call def remove_email_alias(self, email_alias): """ Remove an email alias from the user. :param email_alias: The email alias to remove. :type email_alias: :class:`EmailAlias` :returns: Whether the removal succeeded. :rtype: `bool` """ url = self.get_url('email_aliases', email_alias.object_id) response = self._session.delete(url, expect_json_response=False) return response.ok
[docs] @api_call def transfer_content(self, destination_user, notify=None, fields=None): """ Move all of the items owned by a user into a new folder in another user's account. :param destination_user: The id of the user to transfer content to. :type destination_user: :class:`User` :param notify: Whether the destination user should receive email notification of the transfer. :type notify: `bool` or None :param fields: Fields to return on the resulting :class:`Folder` object :type fields: `Iterable` of `unicode` :returns: A :class:`Folder` object that was transferred to another user. :rtype: :class:`Folder` """ url = self.get_url('folders', '0') body = { 'owned_by': { 'id': destination_user.object_id, }, } params = {} if notify is not None: params['notify'] = notify if fields is not None: params['fields'] = ','.join(fields) response = self._session.put(url, data=json.dumps(body), params=params).json() return self.translator.translate( session=self._session, response_object=response, )
[docs] def get_storage_policy_assignment(self): """ Get the storage policy assignment assigned to the user. :returns: The :class:`StoragePolicyAssignment` object information :rtype: :class:`StoragePolicyAssignment` """ url = self._session.get_url('storage_policy_assignments') additional_params = { 'resolved_for_type': self.object_type, 'resolved_for_id': self.object_id, } box_response = self._session.get(url, params=additional_params) response = box_response.json()['entries'][0] return self.translator.translate( session=self._session, response_object=response, )
[docs] @api_call def get_group_memberships(self, limit=None, offset=None, fields=None): """ Get the entries in the user group membership using limit-offset paging. :param limit: The maximum number of entries to return per page. If not specified, then will use the server-side default. :type limit: `int` or None :param offset: The offset of the item at which to begin the response. :type offset: `int` or None :param fields: List of fields to request. :type fields: `Iterable` of `unicode` :returns: An iterator of the entries in the groups :rtype: :class:`BoxObjectCollection` """ additional_params = {} if fields is not None: additional_params['fields'] = ','.join(fields) return LimitOffsetBasedObjectCollection( session=self._session, url=self.get_url('memberships'), additional_params=additional_params, limit=limit, offset=offset, return_full_pages=False, )
[docs] @api_call def delete(self, notify=True, force=False): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Delete a user's account. This user will no longer be able to access Box. :param notify: Whether a notification should be sent about the deletion :type notify: `bool` :param force: Whether the user should be deleted even if they still own files :returns: Whether the deletion succeeded :rtype: `bool` """ params = { 'notify': notify, 'force': force, } return super(User, self).delete(params=params)