Source code for boxsdk.session.session

# coding: utf-8

from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import

from functools import partial
from logging import getLogger

from .box_request import BoxRequest as _BoxRequest
from .box_response import BoxResponse as _BoxResponse
from ..config import API, Client
from ..exception import BoxAPIException
from import DefaultNetwork
from ..util.json import is_json_response
from ..util.multipart_stream import MultipartStream
from ..util.shared_link import get_shared_link_header
from ..util.translator import Translator

[docs]class Session(object): """ Box API session. Provides automatic retry of failed requests. """ def __init__( self, network_layer=None, default_headers=None, translator=None, default_network_request_kwargs=None, api_config=None, client_config=None, ): """ :param network_layer: Network implementation used by the session to make requests. :type network_layer: :class:`Network` :param default_headers: A dictionary containing default values to be used as headers when this session makes an API request. :type default_headers: `dict` or None :param translator: (optional) The translator to use for translating Box API JSON responses into :class:`BaseAPIJSONObject` smart objects. Defaults to a new :class:`Translator` that inherits the registrations of the default translator. :type translator: :class:`Translator` :param default_network_request_kwargs: A dictionary containing default values to be passed to the network layer when this session makes an API request. :type default_network_request_kwargs: `dict` or None :param api_config: Object containing URLs for the Box API. :type api_config: :class:`API` :param client_config: Object containing client information, including user agent string. :type client_config: :class:`Client` """ if translator is None: translator = Translator(extend_default_translator=True, new_child=True) self._api_config = api_config or API() self._client_config = client_config or Client() super(Session, self).__init__() self._network_layer = network_layer or DefaultNetwork() self._default_headers = { 'User-Agent': self._client_config.USER_AGENT_STRING, 'X-Box-UA': self._client_config.BOX_UA_STRING, } self._translator = translator self._default_network_request_kwargs = {} if default_headers: self._default_headers.update(default_headers) if default_network_request_kwargs: self._default_network_request_kwargs.update(default_network_request_kwargs) self._logger = getLogger(__name__)
[docs] def get(self, url, **kwargs): """Make a GET request to the Box API. :param url: The URL for the request. :type url: `unicode` """ return self.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
[docs] def post(self, url, **kwargs): """Make a POST request to the Box API. :param url: The URL for the request. :type url: `unicode` """ return self.request('POST', url, **kwargs)
[docs] def put(self, url, **kwargs): """Make a PUT request to the Box API. :param url: The URL for the request. :type url: `unicode` """ return self.request('PUT', url, **kwargs)
[docs] def delete(self, url, **kwargs): """Make a DELETE request to the Box API. :param url: The URL for the request. :type url: `unicode` """ if 'expect_json_response' not in kwargs: kwargs['expect_json_response'] = False return self.request('DELETE', url, **kwargs)
[docs] def options(self, url, **kwargs): """Make an OPTIONS request to the Box API. :param url: The URL for the request. :type url: `unicode` """ return self.request('OPTIONS', url, **kwargs)
[docs] def request(self, method, url, **kwargs): """Make a request to the Box API. :param method: The HTTP verb for the request. :type method: `unicode` :param url: The URL for the request. :type url: `unicode` """ response = self._prepare_and_send_request(method, url, **kwargs) return self.box_response_constructor(response)
@property def box_request_constructor(self): """Get the constructor for the container class representing an API request""" return _BoxRequest @property def box_response_constructor(self): """Get the constructor for the container class representing an API response""" return _BoxResponse @property def translator(self): """The translator used for translating Box API JSON responses into `BaseAPIJSONObject` smart objects. :rtype: :class:`Translator` """ return self._translator @property def api_config(self): """ :rtype: :class:`API` """ return self._api_config @property def client_config(self): """ :rtype: :class:`Client` """ return self._client_config
[docs] def get_url(self, endpoint, *args): """ Return the URL for the given Box API endpoint. :param endpoint: The name of the endpoint. :type endpoint: `url` :param args: Additional parts of the endpoint URL. :type args: `Iterable` :rtype: `unicode` """ # pylint:disable=no-self-use url = ['{0}/{1}'.format(self._api_config.BASE_API_URL, endpoint)] url.extend(['/{0}'.format(x) for x in args]) return ''.join(url)
[docs] def get_constructor_kwargs(self): return dict( network_layer=self._network_layer, translator=self._translator, default_network_request_kwargs=self._default_network_request_kwargs.copy(), api_config=self._api_config, client_config=self._client_config, default_headers=self._default_headers.copy(), )
[docs] def as_user(self, user): """ Returns a new session object with default headers set up to make requests as the specified user. :param user: The user to impersonate when making API requests. :type user: :class:`User` """ kwargs = self.get_constructor_kwargs() kwargs['default_headers']['As-User'] = user.object_id return self.__class__(**kwargs)
[docs] def with_default_network_request_kwargs(self, extra_network_parameters): kwargs = self.get_constructor_kwargs() kwargs['default_network_request_kwargs'].update(extra_network_parameters) return self.__class__(**kwargs)
def _get_retry_after_time(self, attempt_number, retry_after_header): """ Get the amount of time to wait before retrying the API request. If the Retry-After header is supplied, use it; otherwise, use exponential backoff For 202 Accepted (thumbnail or file not ready) and 429 (too many requests), retry later, after a delay specified by the Retry-After header. For 5xx Server Error, retry later, after a delay; use exponential backoff to determine the delay. :param attempt_number: How many attempts at this request have already been tried. :type attempt_number: `int` :param retry_after_header: Value of the 'Retry-After` response header. :type retry_after_header: `unicode` or None :return: Number of seconds to wait before retrying. :rtype: `Number` """ # pylint:disable=no-self-use if retry_after_header is not None: return float(retry_after_header) return 2 ** attempt_number @staticmethod def _raise_on_unsuccessful_request(network_response, request): """ Raise an exception if the request was unsuccessful. :param network_response: The network response which is being tested for success. :type network_response: :class:`NetworkResponse` :param request: The API request that could be unsuccessful. :type request: :class:`BoxRequest` """ if not network_response.ok: response_json = {} try: response_json = network_response.json() except ValueError: pass raise BoxAPIException( status=network_response.status_code, headers=network_response.headers, code=response_json.get('code', None), message=response_json.get('message', None), request_id=response_json.get('request_id', None), url=request.url, method=request.method, context_info=response_json.get('context_info', None), network_response=network_response ) if request.expect_json_response and not is_json_response(network_response): raise BoxAPIException( status=network_response.status_code, headers=network_response.headers, message='Non-json response received, while expecting json response.', url=request.url, method=request.method, network_response=network_response, ) def _prepare_and_send_request( self, method, url, headers=None, auto_session_renewal=True, expect_json_response=True, **kwargs ): """ Prepare a request to be sent to the Box API. :param method: The HTTP verb to use to make the request. :type method: `unicode` :param url: The request URL. :type url: `unicode` :param headers: Headers to include with the request. :type headers: `dict` :param auto_session_renewal: Whether or not to automatically renew the session if the request fails due to an expired access token. :type auto_session_renewal: `bool` :param expect_json_response: Whether or not the response content should be json. :type expect_json_response: `bool` :param attempt_number: How many attempts at this request have already been tried. Used for exponential backoff calculations. :type attempt_number: `int` """ files = kwargs.get('files') kwargs['file_stream_positions'] = None if files: kwargs['file_stream_positions'] = dict((name, file_tuple[1].tell()) for name, file_tuple in files.items()) attempt_number = 0 request_headers = self._get_request_headers() request_headers.update(headers or {}) request = self.box_request_constructor( url=url, method=method, headers=request_headers, auto_session_renewal=auto_session_renewal, expect_json_response=expect_json_response, ) network_response = self._send_request(request, **kwargs) while True: retry = self._get_retry_request_callable(network_response, attempt_number, request) if retry is None or attempt_number >= 10: break attempt_number += 1 self._logger.debug('Retrying request') network_response = retry(request, **kwargs) self._raise_on_unsuccessful_request(network_response, request) return network_response def _get_retry_request_callable(self, network_response, attempt_number, request): """ Get a callable that retries a request for certain types of failure. For 202 Accepted (thumbnail or file not ready) and 429 (too many requests), retry later, after a delay specified by the Retry-After header. For 5xx Server Error, retry later, after a delay; use exponential backoff to determine the delay. Otherwise, return None. :param network_response: The response from the Box API. :type network_response: :class:`NetworkResponse` :param attempt_number: How many attempts at this request have already been tried. Used for exponential backoff calculations. :type attempt_number: `int` :param request: The API request that could require retrying. :type request: :class:`BoxRequest` :return: Callable that, when called, will retry the request. Takes the same parameters as :meth:`_send_request`. :rtype: `callable` """ # pylint:disable=unused-argument code = network_response.status_code if code in (202, 429) or code >= 500: return partial( self._network_layer.retry_after, self._get_retry_after_time(attempt_number, network_response.headers.get('Retry-After', None)), self._send_request, ) return None def _get_request_headers(self): return self._default_headers.copy() def _send_request(self, request, **kwargs): """ Make a request to the Box API. :param request: The API request to send. :type request: :class:`BoxRequest` :param expect_json_response: Whether or not the response content should be json. :type expect_json_response: `bool` """ # Reset stream positions to what they were when the request was made so the same data is sent even if this # is a retried attempt. files, file_stream_positions = kwargs.get('files'), kwargs.pop('file_stream_positions') request_kwargs = self._default_network_request_kwargs.copy() request_kwargs.update(kwargs) if files and file_stream_positions: for name, position in file_stream_positions.items(): files[name][1].seek(position) data = request_kwargs.pop('data', {}) multipart_stream = MultipartStream(data, files) request_kwargs['data'] = multipart_stream del request_kwargs['files'] request.headers['Content-Type'] = multipart_stream.content_type # send the request network_response = self._network_layer.request( request.method, request.url, access_token=request_kwargs.pop('access_token', None), headers=request.headers, **request_kwargs ) return network_response
[docs]class AuthorizedSession(Session): """ Box API authorized session. Provides auth, automatic retry of failed requests, and session renewal. """ def __init__(self, oauth, **kwargs): """ :param oauth: OAuth2 object used by the session to authorize requests. :type oauth: :class:`OAuth2` :param session: The Box API session to wrap for authorization. :type session: :class:`Session` """ super(AuthorizedSession, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._oauth = oauth
[docs] def get_constructor_kwargs(self): kwargs = super(AuthorizedSession, self).get_constructor_kwargs() kwargs['oauth'] = self._oauth return kwargs
def _renew_session(self, access_token_used): """ Renews the session by refreshing the access token. :param access_token_used: The access token that's currently being used by the session, that needs to be refreshed. :type access_token_used: `unicode` or None """ new_access_token, _ = self._oauth.refresh(access_token_used) return new_access_token def _get_retry_request_callable(self, network_response, attempt_number, request): """ Get a callable that retries a request for certain types of failure. For 401 Unauthorized responses, renew the session by refreshing the access token; then retry. Otherwise, defer to baseclass implementation. :param network_response: The response from the Box API. :type network_response: :class:`NetworkResponse` :param attempt_number: How many attempts at this request have already been tried. Used for exponential backoff calculations. :type attempt_number: `int` :param request: The API request that could require retrying. :type request: :class:`BoxRequest` :return: Callable that, when called, will retry the request. Takes the same parameters as :meth:`_send_request`. :rtype: `callable` """ code = network_response.status_code if code == 401 and request.auto_session_renewal: self._renew_session(network_response.access_token_used) request.auto_session_renewal = False return self._send_request return super(AuthorizedSession, self)._get_retry_request_callable( network_response, attempt_number, request, ) def _send_request(self, request, **kwargs): """ Make a request to the Box API. :param request: The API request to send. :type request: :class:`BoxRequest` :param expect_json_response: Whether or not the response content should be json. :type expect_json_response: `bool` """ # Since there can be session renewal happening in the middle of preparing the request, it's important to be # consistent with the access_token being used in the request. access_token = self._oauth.access_token if request.auto_session_renewal and access_token is None: access_token = self._renew_session(None) request.auto_session_renewal = False authorization_header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {0}'.format(access_token)} request.headers.update(authorization_header) kwargs['access_token'] = access_token return super(AuthorizedSession, self)._send_request(request, **kwargs)